
Cast Party

Just a reminder the cast party is tonight (Nov. 30) at 7:00pm at the Stake Center

Hope you can make it!!


Cast Party: Postponed

Just an FYI: The cast party has been POSTPONED due to the big storm that's supposed to be hitting this afternoon/evening.

You should have received an email with this information as well but we wanted to make sure you all knew!

The party is now tentatively scheduled for NEXT TUESDAY (NOV. 30). Please check your email for further updates.

And...you all did an AMAZING job on the show! You should be proud of yourselves and thank you for all the hard work you put in! The show was fantastic!!



The Hills are Alive...

Thursday, Nov. 4
Friday, Nov. 5
Wednesday, Nov. 10
Thursday, Nov. 11
Friday, Nov. 12

Church doors open at 6:00 pm
Theatre doors open at 6:30 pm
Curtain opens at 7:00 pm
No ticket necessary, first come first serve seating

LDS Wilford Stake Center
1765 Gregson Avenue (approx. 3080 S.)

Opening Night...

Congratulations, we're finally here!  Tonight is opening night.

I wanted to give you all a big THANK YOU!  You have all been so amazing, you've put in so many hours, sacrificed sleep & sanity.  You have worked so hard for this and you are ready!  I am so proud of each of you, you truly are wonderful!

Thank you for making the show the success I know it's going to be!



WOW, you are all looking GREAT! The musical will be awesome! Thank you all for your hard work. Here are some reminders for next week:

1. PLEASE be on time...that's 6PM SHARP Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. (if you are a soldier only, you may come at 7:30sharp) We will all rehearse until at least 9pm so we can get the bows down.

2. Children's choir: Please have a white shirt, white tights or knee highs, and black shoes on Tuesday. Plan to leave them at the Church with the costumes (so bring sweats or something to wear home!)
3. Everyone: come with your hair and makeup done from now on!!
4. Soldiers: wear your black pants and shoes. Bring your black tie and flashlight!
Let's make this the best show we can! You are all wonderful, and we love you!



It seems some people weren't/aren't quite sure of the rehearsal schedule from now until we perform so here is a reminder:
Thursday, Oct. 28 (tonight) 6:00PM full run through in costume and individual photos
Friday, Oct. 29 6:00PM full run through in costume
If you've been asked to bring a prop-TODAY IS THE DEADLINE! All props, costumes, etc. should be here for this rehearsal.
Saturday, Oct. 30 9:00AM full run through in costume 1:00PM tech rehearsal
Tuesday, Nov. 2 6:00PM full run through, costume and makeup
Wednesday, Nov. 3 6:00PM final dress rehearsal costume and makeup...last night before we perform
Nov. 4, Nov. 5, Nov. 10, Nov. 11, Nov. 12: PERFORMANCES:) Please come ready with hair, makeup and costume by 6:00PM.
*And please remember we want to START at 6:00 for rehearsals so please be READY in costume by 6:00.
Thank you for all your hard work!


Just thought I'd remind you that the original cast from The Sound of Music cast will be appearing on Oprah today!

Tune in and enjoy!

Also, don't forget we're doing individual photos beginning at 6:00 tonight.  Please come ready with light makeup and a costume!
